John Cooper, Founder of Mast General Store, shares his secret to success: common sense, trial and error, and giving back Note: The following is a part of ScaleUp WNC’s case study series….
Mast General Store Case Study: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

John Cooper, Founder of Mast General Store, shares his secret to success: common sense, trial and error, and giving back Note: The following is a part of ScaleUp WNC’s case study series….
Sutton Bacon, CEO of Nantahala Outdoor Center, shares how he faced a declining market and waning employee enthusiasm head-on to remake a struggling rafting outfitter into the nation’s premier outdoor recreation company. Note: The following is…
Becky Cannon, founder and president of i play., Inc—and author of Grow Healthy. Grow Happy. The Whole Baby Guide—shares how she took her company from a living-room operation to a thriving, family-owned business….