Grants for RURAL businesses


Marshall & Hot Springs Rebuilding Together Grant Fund

Businesses located within the central business districts of Marshall and Hot Springs may request up to $25,000 for costs associated with Hurricane Helene.


The Marshall & Hot Springs Rebuilding Together Grant Fund provides direct grant awards to small businesses in the Central Business District of Marshall and the historic downtown of Hot Springs that have been severely impacted by Hurricane Helene. The Fund aims to help rebuild and restore the region’s unique and diverse local business community and retain & re-hire the talented people who work at these businesses.

Eligible businesses may request up to $25,000 in grant funding to cover their costs associated with the storm that were not fully covered by insurance or other funding sources.

Application Deadline February 27


  • For-Profit Businesses including Sole Proprietorships, LLCs, Partnerships, and For-Profit Corporations (including C Corps and S Corps) located in either the Hot Springs Historic Downton or the Marshall Central Business District
  • For lodging-category businesses: business must be offering traditional overnight guest lodging housed on commercial property. Residential Short Term and Long-Term Rentals are not eligible.
  • Owners of commercial properties which are leased to independent businesses and were impacted by Hurricane Helene are eligible to apply

Hot Springs Historic District: Map

  • Eastern boundary begins at the downtown side of the French Broad River bridge
  • Western boundary at the Appalachian Trail South Hot Springs trailhead
  • Northern boundary at River Dr/Lawson St over to the Hot Springs Resort & Spa
  • Southern boundary at Hill St.

Marshall Central Business District (area in purple)

  • Businesses whose losses are fully covered by other non-loan sources such as insurance, crowdfunding, and/or prior grants.
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Residential property rental businesses including AirBnbs or other short term rentals as well as long-term housing rentals.
  • Businesses that are not current on their taxes due to Madison County or the Towns of Marshall or Hot Springs

Applications will be accepted until 11:59 pm on Thursday, February 27th.

Scoring criteria:

  • Economic impact of Helene-related closures and additional operating costs
  • Physical impact – cost of building repairs, inventory replacement, equipment + furnishings replacement, etc.
  • Business longevity
  • Business reopening/continuity plan and budget
  • Local ownership
  • Financial health of the business, pre-storm
  • Employees supported (number of FTEs)

Funds can be used for any reasonable and necessary expense to support business recovery and reopening which is not covered by insurance or other relief aid, and for which the business owner can provide proof of payment.

  • Non-business expenses including personal expenses for owners or employees
  • Payment of personal debts or taxes
  • Payments on vehicles not utilized regularly for business purposes
  • Personal enrichment
  • Financial securities and cryptocurrencies
  • Expenses associated with moving the business outside of the City or County
  • Lobbying or political contributions
  • Donations to nonprofit organizations
  • Anything illegal according to the laws of North Carolina, the United States of America, or the jurisdiction(s) in which the business is located and operates

Yes, if your business has applied for and received non-loan assistance from insurance or other sources, you must specify the amount and intended uses of those funds to ensure they do not overlap with the planned uses of the fund. Grant recipients must also agree to repay any funds if duplicate assistance is identified.

We are making every effort to get these funds out to small businesses as quickly as possible. Awarded businesses will be notified no later than March 21. 

There is no minimum or maximum annual revenue requirement to apply for this grant. 

Unfortunately, no, you must submit a separate application to the grant program to be considered. 

Visit to view the latest available in the region.

Please make sure you have prepared and/or gathered the following required documents in PDF or JPEG format before applying:

  • Your most recently filed business Federal Tax Return. 
  • If you are a sole proprietor or otherwise file your business taxes on your personal return, then this will be your most recently filed individual Federal Tax Return.
  • If you haven’t yet filed your 2023 tax return, you will need to submit your 2022 return plus a 2023 year-end Profit & Loss Statement.
  • If you started your business in 2023 and have yet to file, you will still be able to apply by providing a year-to-date Profit & Loss Statement and your 3 most recent monthly bank statements for your primary business account.
  • Proof of business address (bank statement, utility bill, etc.)
  • A color copy or photo of your North Carolina driver’s license, or other government-issued photo ID

Questions or Need Assistance?

Get in touch with our team. Email or call 828-253-2834.

Grant Timeline



In order to apply, you’ll need:

  1. Your most recently filed business Federal Tax Return. 
  2. Proof of business address (bank statement, utility bill, etc.)
  3. A color copy or photo of your North Carolina driver’s license, or other government-issued photo ID
For more details, see “What documents do I need to have ready for my application?” in the FAQs.

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