We look forward to learning more about your goals in determining the value of your business. Please complete and submit the below inquiry form and then we'll follow up to arrange a time to discuss this opportunity in more detail.
- The all in, total price for valuation is $1,150.
- The process takes approximately one month if all relevant historical financial information and qualitative information is provided:
- We provide a multi-approach valuation methodology based on the assets and financial performance of your company. You will see the three methods in the attached example document - revenue based, seller's discretionary earnings based and EBITDA based.
- The *multipliers used in each approach are based on relevant comparative business sales in your industry or business model adjacent industries.
- The valuation is intended for internal use as a tool for understanding the range of business value that could be demanded in the current market. This is not a certified valuation from a CPA that would "stand up in court". For that, you will need to find a NACVA or ABV certified.
Considering selling soon, selling in a couple years, partnership change, taking on investment or other.