The best-laid plans can be made in the winter months, but this workshop is a chance to ground yourself mid-season to make sure you are on track. Are you collecting the right information for your farm financials? Are your recordkeeping systems working or do they need to be adjusted to be more practical? What segments of your business need more focus? Gabriele Marewski of Mountain BizWorks will guide participants through a mid-season check-in for farm financials and ASAP will offer a targeted marketing primer, focused on social media, to help you end the season strong. This workshop will be paired with a summer grower buyer meeting to re-establish connections with area buyers or fill holes for selling your products.
Participating buyers to be announced soon!
Cost is $20 per person or $30 for two farm partners. Includes light brunch.
Register online or contact our office at 828-236-1282.