Please Note: This course or an equivalent set of knowledge is required before taking the QuickBooks series.
Workshop Rate: $45 (covers both days of class)*
Financial Tools: September 12th & 19th from 9AM to 12:30PM.
This workshop is a two-part series that meets for two weeks and introduces you to the basic financial management principles that all small business owners should know. Participants will walk away with the tools to understand the basics of business finance so they can make informed decisions on how to organize and manage their business finances. Topics discussed are record keeping; bookkeeping; accounting; creating, understanding and using financial statements and reports.
About Your Instructor:
John Bonham is a business consultant who provides analysis and solutions to new and growing businesses. John has a master’s in agricultural and applied economics from Virginia Tech. His collective 17 years of experience in finance and economics includes teaching economic classes at A-B Tech and reviewing for the USDA Value Added Producer Grant program.
*Limited financial need-based scholarships are available. Contact Jill Kichefski at or 828-253-2834 x10 for details.