Join us for our annual year-end celebration on Wednesday, December 18, from 6 PM to 9 PM at Center for Craft. Over the course of the evening, we’ll reflect on our 30th year of helping entrepreneurs navigate small business success. And, we’ll look toward uncharted waters as we prepare to sail into 2020. Light refreshments, desserts, and drinks will be served.
Admission is free but space is limited. Please RSVP to reserve your seat.
Attire: Come as you are or dress in your favorite casual nautical flair in honor of the evening’s theme. Think navy, red, white, and gold with sailor stripes and accents of anchors, nautical rope, and boats.
RSVPWhether you’re a client, coach, investor, family member, or friend, we’re proud you’re a part of the Mountain BizWorks community. And, we sincerely thank you for your continued support throughout the years.