COVID-19 help center
Find what you need to navigate your small business through this unprecedented time. We’re here for you – we want to help you keep your dreams alive.
$16 billion appropriated to support live-venue operators who had to shutter operations due to Covid-19 restrictions. This program is administered directly by the Small Business Administration (SBA). Find more information about program details, eligibility, and how to apply at this webpage.
$28.6 billion was appropriated for this grant program supporting the restaurant industry to include a wide variety of food service business types. This program is administered directly by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and was launched on Monday, May 3rd. For more information about program details, eligibility, the use of funds, and how to register and apply go to this webpage.
A loan program administered directly by the Small Business Administration (SBA) designed to help businesses meet their financial obligations (operating expenses) impacted by the effects of Covid-19. To learn more and apply for this program, go to this webpage.
This SBA grant program reaches out directly to eligible businesses in targeted low-income communities to offer additional funds to small businesses and ensure business continuity, adaptation, and resiliency. For more information on this program see this webpage.
Established to help encourage businesses to retain their employees during the Covid-19 crisis. This tax credit can be taken by businesses, as appropriate, regardless of whether they participated in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). For more information see this Internal Revenue Service news release, or contact your accountant or bookkeeper to see if this program might apply to your business.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) was also directed to provide debt relief via deferrals or direct payments to some existing (pre-Covid) SBA loans. For more details on the program see this webpage, or contact your SBA lender to learn more about the specific terms and eligibility of your pre-Covid SBA loans.
Cleveland County Recovery Fund (Closed)
Haywood Recovery Fund (Updated 9/2/2021)
Madison County Small Business Loan Fund
One Buncombe Fund (Updated 8/31/2021)
Transylvania Fund (Closed)
As of May 31, 2021, the program is closed and we will only be processing forgiveness applications.
This forgivable loan program was designed to help small business owners keep their staff on payroll, and to pay for certain eligible business expenses (rent, mortgage interest, and/or utilities) during the economic downturn due to the impact of Covid-19.
Forgiveness Applications
If you have a PPP loan issued in 2020, contact your lender to initiate your application for forgiveness.
All Mountain BizWorks PPP borrowers with 2020 issued loans have been notified and invited via a personalized email to submit their Forgiveness Application via our online portal. The email contains a unique link for each borrower to enter, prepare, and submit their application. If you have not received your email from Mountain BizWorks, please reach out to us at so we can resend your personalized invitation email.
For more specific information go to PPP Forgiveness Process
PPP Borrowers with 2021 issued loans, either First Draw, or those who had come back for Second Draws, have also recently been invited to apply for Forgiveness. All Mountain BizWorks PPP borrowers with 2021 issued loans have been notified and invited via a personalized email to submit their Forgiveness Application via our online portal. The email contains a unique link for each borrower to enter, prepare, and submit their application – please follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the email.
These emails were sent on April 29th to the email address submitted on the applications (please check your Spam Folder if you do not see the email in your Inbox.)
If you have not received your email from Mountain BizWorks, please reach out to us at so we can resend your personalized invitation email.
For more specific information from Mountain BizWorks on navigating through the process go to PPP Forgiveness Process webpage.
COVID-19 Wrap Up
The WNC local economy came together like never before to make it through the pandemic and is stronger, more connected, and more creative for it. As we’re steadily transitioning from this crisis, we wanted to take stock of the collective response efforts Mountain BizWorks has been able to assist with since the pandemic started. Here are a few summary highlights:
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By signing up for this newsletter, you are agreeing that Mountain BizWorks may contact you via email about information and offers which may be of interest to you. It is Mountain BizWorks’ policy not to share any personally-identifying material obtained through Mountain BizWorks’ web sites with any third party.