ARC Unveils New Research and Resources to Support Regional Entrepreneurship

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The Appalachian Regional Commission has released Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Appalachia, a suite of new research reports and resources to support entrepreneurial development in Appalachia. The research includes three reports which outline core elements necessary for a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, analyze community case studies to provide insight into the unique challenges faced by communities in Appalachia, and offer recommendations to support future economic development across the Region. A companion website documents and compares entrepreneurial activity in each of Appalachia’s 420 counties, and includes a working inventory of support services available to entrepreneurs across the Region.

“Entrepreneurs diversify local economies and help make communities more resilient and dynamic. This is why fostering entrepreneurial growth is one of ARC’s priorities,” said ARC Federal Co-Chair Tim Thomas. “There is no good reason why the next world-changing entrepreneur can’t come from Appalachia. These resources can help make that happen.”

Read the full ARC press release here.



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